What are your goals?

Happy new year from the TIE team. The start of the year is a time when many people think about making small or big changes to their life or routine.

On the whole, we all start out with good intentions, but many of us will fall by the wayside only a short way into the year. This happens for a variety of reasons:

  • We set the bar too high, get overwhelmed and then give up;
  • We try to make too many big changes all at once (then get overwhelmed and give up!);
  • We don’t s tructure our goals into small, easy to achieve, daily goals;
  • We set vague goals;
  • We forget to put systems and routines into place to successfully achieve our goals;
  • We set goals based on what someone else thinks we should do, rather than setting goal s that fit with our intrinsic belief systems.

Do we really need to make resolutions each year and set goals?
Maybe, maybe not. What we do know is that setting goals helps us to achieve the outcomes we desire yet sometimes just the mere act of going through the process of setting the goal is the part that gives us the most joy and satisfaction.

The joy comes from the process and being present in the moment. Centering yourself in the moment and focusing on that only instead of stressing and feeling overwhelmed because we feel like we haven’t lived up to the unrealistic expectations of ourselves and/or others.

I think we get our pleasure, satisfaction and contentment in the process of setting and achieving our goals. The goals are important for progressing parts of our lives and they give us direction, but attaching ourselves to the outcome does not always help our cause.

There is one thing that can make achieving our goals easier – like a philosophical prompt:

If you prioritise your health and wellbeing everything becomes more positive in your life and in an automatic way.

When the systems in our body are not operating in harmony and in the most efficient way, everything in life becomes more challenging.

As you know, the musculoskeletal system needs to operate with all the other systems in our body in an automatic way. All of our systems feed each other; the circulatory, the nervous, the cardiac and the cellular. The one thing that is common to every system is the connective tissue. I like to think of it a s the net that brings everything together in every part of your body. If your connective tissue is sticky and not moving, then it will compromise every system in your body and life becomes more challenging.

By practising TIE you can reach the many layers of muscles and fibres that are all bound together by connective tissue. As each bone is placed in the optimum position you gain access to muscles and fibres but most importantly you start to unstick the connective tissue and your body and all its systems s tart to work together more efficiently to create a better you.

Join the 10 week introductory program of The Invisible Exercise and prioritise your health and wellbeing and make 2019 more positive in an automatic way.

I will teach you all of the essential postures to start unsticking your body and with 10 and 20 minute programs available on The Invisible Exercise Website you can practice TIE at any time of the day and night, you can prioritise your health, enjoy being in the moment and regain the pleasure of being in a pain – free body.

DM x